Friday, December 28, 2007

My New Year Message!

Don't send a lame Holiday eCard. Try using some love and thought!

I'm heading to the coast for a few days and decided to post my New Year's Message before I hit the road. As some of you know, I'm new to the Blog community and really don't have much to write about. How some of you write daily and keep it interesting, blows me away.

I started this blog to be more of a motivational type blog with a Coaches perspective of life's' decisions, maybe a few complaints of referees B.S. calls and C.I.F. rules that suck!

Without further adue....
2007 Year in review and my wishes for 2008

I hope that the holiday season brought you great pleasures and grand memories and that you can look back on 2007 with a sense of pride and achievement. I hope you’re looking forward to 2008 with optimism that the future will be even better.

Yet I know some of you did not have a very good holiday period or even a very good year. Bad stuff happens.

The very best way I know to prepare for the new year is to assess the past year with an objective eye and identify what went right and what didn’t.

Some of the bad things you experienced may have just happened to you, leaving you only with the power to make the best of it and move on. One of my favorite quotes is “pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.”

For those of you who have or are experiencing intense pain, I send you my best and most earnest wishes for the strength and sense to move forward as soon as you can with optimism knowing that this new year will be filled with endless unknown opportunities for true joy.

For those of you who can identify things you could have done differently to avoid or diminish the impact of the bad things you experienced, I wish for you the good sense to know the difference between healthy accountability and unhealthy guilt or self-disdain. The challenge is to emerge from the year wiser but not more cynical, bitter, or afraid.

For the rest of you who may have positive or mixed feelings about 2007, the essential message is the same. Take the wheel of your own ship, pick the destinations you want to reach, and get on your way. Stay focused on your goals but be flexible enough to adjust to unanticipated winds and unusually attractive alternatives.

There’s nothing wrong with taking pleasant side trips or even changing your ultimate destination so long as you do so thoughtfully.

Earn the Right to WIN!

In all you do, " Be An 11 "


Dana said...

Take the wheel of your own ship, pick the destinations you want to reach, and get on your way.

Couldn't agree more!

Schmoop said...

Great post my good man. Have a Happy and Safe 2008. Cheers, and enjoy the coastline!!

Synchronicity said...

awww thank you! and happy new years to you my friend! keep on blogging!

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