Wednesday, January 2, 2008

BLING for Pop Warner players?

Picture the moment if you will. Executives at Pop Warner, the nation’s largest youth football and cheerleading organization, are sitting around their polished conference room table one day discussing new ideas to broaden their appeal, attract new sponsors, and make more money.

"I have an idea," someone says. "What if we had an Official Jewelry Provider?"

"But we’re an organization for youngsters," the head man responds. "Kids don’t wear jewelry."

"All the more reason. What child wouldn’t want a … Pop Warner championship ring?"


I'm not saying that’s how it went down, but last month, Pop Warner partnered with Jostens, manufacturer of 27 of the last 41 NFL Super Bowl rings, to produce customized rings to help its 5- to 15-year-old competitors "remember their experiences for a lifetime."

No word on how much the rings will cost, but I'm pretty sure that: 1) every kid will want one, 2) every parent will give them one, 3) every kid will lose or outgrow it, and 5) Pop Warner and Jostens will reap a windfall.


Ripple said...

Hey Al, Hope you have a Happy New Year! Sorry I'm a little be-lated, but, you know how busy this time of year is.

I never even got a class ring. My sister got everything, but I didn't care because I didn't need no stinking rings. I knew where the party was every weekend.

Schmoop said...

That is such bullshit. I used to work fo ra competitor of Josten's. Josten's sells over priced crap to students all the time. Oy Vay...I'll stop now, before I blow a gasket. Cheers and Welcome Back!!

none said...

I refused to get any kind of ring. To me is was like a fashion show.

And you are right...ka-ching

Dana said...

I have no doubt that 1, 3 and 4 are true, but let me say there will be at least one parent who does NOT give in to the whims of the child!

Real Live Lesbian said...

You are absolutely right...please Mom will bring these folks plenty of $$.

What bullsh*t!

Dogmatist said...

I say bravo Jostens! Nothing wrong with a little good old fashioned capitalism. We have not believed that supply creates demand for over a century now, so I assume there must be demand for Pop Warner rings. If there is demand, I only wish I had thought of supplying them before Jostens.

Anonymous said...

How sad and hateful ALL of you sound. You must have never played sports in your life. These are kids you are talking about. Have some heart men, and you too lesbian. These are things to cherish for your whole life. Why not reward these kids with rings? Do any of you know how hard it is to even make it to the superbowl. Probably not. All 50 states have hundreds of teams, you do the math. So to reward a kid for hard work,dedication, and heart, sounds like a great plan. Kids are our future. You ought to try to put your kids in sports(if u have any).
It will teach them good skills on and off the field. I sure am glad you were never one of my coaches. I guess I would have learned to be hateful and jealous like you. Get off the kids and their parents. Family is what makes this country GREAT...... a man and a women :)

Anonymous said...

You write very well.