We have 4 goals this season:
1. Get better each week.
2. Win League.
3. Kick the BEARS ass. ( Rival )
4. Earn the right to WIN.......
Please before you go to bed each night pray for my team. May I suggest my prayer," God, if you can't help us, PLEASE don't help them."
In case you don't know what a Football widow is.....
A football widow is a term for those who have a relationship with a Football Coach who pays more attention to the game than to their partner during the sport's season of play. Football widows are usually, but not always, women. Usually the "widow" has little interest in the sport themselves.
Although it is widely tolerated and not considered a serious disruption by many, dedication to following the sport (such as watching game broadcasts on television) can disrupt home life and the relationship between the couple in question.