Sunday, February 24, 2008

This will make you think!

I'm working with my boys to make stop motion animation films, we have made three so far! I'm having a blast working with them and showing them what I teach.
In the process of looking up new idea's I came across blunty3000, this guy not only knows how to do stop motion but has some great insight on censorship. I couldn't keep it to myself and had to share.


Dana said...

This guy's views on nudity and sexuality are quite similar to mine. I have always found it perplexing that we associate more shame (his word) with the human body than we do with violence (which is often glorified).

It is a strange country we live in!

Dogmatist said...

Viva Liberal Fascism!

Schmoop said...

I think my post today probably should have been censored. Cheers!!